Pollack held two roles at the New York Times Magazine: Photo Editor and Deputy Photo Editor (1999-2010). Working under the visionary photo director Kathy Ryan, Pollack commissioned all genres of photography on topics including war, celebrity portfolios and weekly magazine covers. Pollack's time at the magazine was marked by her exceptional production skills and her ability to single-handedly produce some of The New York Times' most ambitious projects, including seven of the magazine's annual Great Performances portfolios and a 56-page portfolio of portraits of Obama’s cabinet and inner circle by photographer Nadav Kander. Editor in Chief: Adam Moss, Gerald Marzorati; Creative Director: Janet Froelich, Arem Duplessis; Photo Director: Kathy Ryan
Great Performers: 2002, 2oo3, 2004 Photographs by Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin
Casey Affleck, Great Performers Photograph by Ryan McGinley
Great Performers Portfolio Photographs by Paolo Pellegrin
Front lines, Afghanistan Photographs by Peter van Agtmael
Obama’s People A -56 page portfolio of Obama’s cabinet, and his closest advisors, published the Sunday before his Inauguration, 2004. Photographs by Nadav Kander
The Ideas Issue 2003 & 2004 Photographs by Rodney Smith
The Maimed: Victims of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict Photographs by Gillian Laub
The Remains of the Day. September 11, 2001 Special Issue
Play Magazine Pollack was Photo Editor of Play, a sports magazine published quarterly from 2006-2008. Editor-in-Chief: Mark Bryant
Sports Events tilt-shift portfolio Photographs by Vincent Laforet
Serena Williams (above) and Michael Phelps (below) Photographs by Finlay MacKay